**You are responsible for finding a replacement if you cannot work your farm shift. Please notify the farm work scheduler of any changes.** The week before your scheduled work shift, please check at distribution to see if there are empty produce boxes to return to the farm and take as many as will fit in your car.
Peacework Farm, 2231 Welcher Road, Newark,
cell), evenings)
The trip from Rochester to Peacework Farm takes about an hour under ideal conditions. Please leave yourself enough time to arrive at the farm and be ready to work by 8 AM. You may carpool when possible, but remember, you will be transporting vegetables back to Rochester at the end of the morning. Please come with your vehicle cleaned out to make room for veggie boxes and bring plastic sheeting if you are worried about the interior getting wet.
From Rochester: Take Route 31 or Route 104 eastbound to Route 88.
From 31: turn North (left) onto Route 88 at the traffic light in the center of Newark. About 1 mile north of town, go over the railroad bridge and take an immediate right onto Welcher Road. Continue approximately 2 miles (including a nasty hairpin curve) and the farm is on your left. At the end of a line of evergreen trees, you'll see a large red barn with an attached greenhouse. The driveway entrance is before the greenhouse. If you are returning empty boxes, continue to the second entrance past the greenhouse to the smaller red building (the packing shed) to unload.
From 104: turn South (right) onto 88, into Sodus center and turn right again a tenth of a mile after the grocery store to continue on 88 South. Go through the hamlet of Fairville. Go past the Cornell Cooperative Extension building and Plassche Lumber on your right and look for Four Seasons Rental and Welcher Road on your left just before the road rises to go over the railroad tracks. Turn left onto Welcher and continue as above to the farm.
From the East: take Route 31 to Lyons, go straight through the traffic light at Route 14 to the next traffic light, Leach Road, and turn right over the Erie Canal. At the stop sign, go left onto Water Street, and continue out of town. Water Street becomes Old Lyons Road. Go approx. 2 miles and turn right onto Schuler Road. Follow Schuler Road around a sharp curve to the left and continue to the end. At the 'T' intersection turn right onto Arcadia-Zurich-Norris Road (A-Z-N Road). At the next 'T' intersection (150 yards) turn left onto Welcher Road. The farm fields will be on your right. Go about 100 yards on Welcher Road to the big red barn on the right with the attached greenhouse. Take the second driveway entrance (the one beyond the greenhouse) unless returning empty boxes.
From the South: take whichever route you wish to reach Lyons or Newark and follow the appropriate directions above.
Maps - if you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed, you can download Reader software here.
Black & White Map | Color Highlight Map (for color printers)
Farm work goes on rain or shine, frost or snow. We take cover during electrical storms. On frosty mornings we may have to hold off picking greens until the frost lifts. As one member said, "There is no bad weather, just ill-prepared people". Weather in Wayne County can be different from Rochester.
- Comfortable, durable clothes you don't mind getting wet and dirty. If you want, bring a change for the ride home. Remember dry socks.
- Dress in layers. You can take some off if you get hot or add layers if you get chilled. A rain suit and water-resistant shoes are always helpful to have: even when it's not raining the grass walkways are always wet with dew in the morning. A rain layer will be handy if you are helping at the wash station and it's good wind protection, too. If it's cold, bring a hat and warm gloves. The farm has light-weight gloves for weeding and rubber gloves for washing.
- Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes with rubber overshoes, if available. Rubber boots are even better for the rain or dew.
- The farm fields offer no shade so remember to bring sun protection: clothing that covers your skin, a broad-brimmed hat, and sunscreen.
If you are allergic to bee stings, please bring your bee kit ? and inform the farmers. Black fly season tends to be short in the spring but mosquito populations vary a lot from season to season and year to year. Bring repellents with you. Please remember to wash them (and sunscreens) off your hands before handling the vegetables.
The farm has potable water at the packing shed. Please bring your own water bottles and remember to bring them home with you. There is also a sink with running water (and soap) for washing hands.
Bring snacks with you if you think you'll need an energy boost to get through the morning. If you can stay past noon and want to join in a potluck picnic lunch, bring some food to share. The farm crew will make a large seasonal salad. There are plenty of plates, utensils, and cups at the farm.
Children are always welcome at the farm under a parent's supervision. On the farm work schedule, certain days are designated as "children's days" so families with children can meet each other. Most children enjoy working with their parents but if you have a toddler you should plan to bring an extra adult or teenager with you to watch your child while you work. If you want to come with your baby, please bring a backpack or baby sling with you. The farm has a few field-worthy strollers on hand; ask the farmers if you want to use one. Please bring changes of clothing, snacks, sun protection, etc. to keep your children comfortable while at the farm.
Farms can be dangerous places with lots of sharp tools and heavy equipment. Children are not allowed in the barns or on the farm equipment. There is poison ivy and stinging nettles in the un-mowed areas at the field edges. Everyone should be able to identify these plants and stay away from them. If you get into poison ivy, the farm has a supply of Tecnu, a liquid soap that removes poison ivy oils from the skin. Children must be accompanied by an adult if they want to go near Ganargua Creek. There are two dogs at the farm (Juno and Pippin) whose job is to hunt mice and woodchucks. They are not overly comfortable with small children. Please ask your children to leave the dogs alone and not chase them.
Copyright ? GVOCSA 2002-2011. All rights reserved.
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