1 ammie packing
2 barn field and storm clouds
3 cabbage leaves
4 caterpillar
5 cleaning cabbage
6 done weedin
7 elephant plant
8 empty flats
9 farm and clouds
10 father and son
11 greg on truck
12 greg spinach
13 hoop house
14 lettuces
15 liz gleaner
16 liz weeding
17 lurch
18 mother and daughter
19 parsely bouquet
20 pea hands
21 pea pick and sky
22 pea pick dump
23 potatoes on tray
24 row cover
25 scallion hands
26 scallions in tub
27 sirens
28 sisters
29 snail
30 spinach tote
of 30
greg spinach
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